Our Principles

Our immigration system  must take into account the human need to plant roots, and to be with and care for one’s family. Historically, the U.S. family immigration system aimed at keeping families together, and welcomed people of many circumstances, including refugees. We are committed to returning to that guiding philosophy. Value Our Families is committed to the following principles:

  • Family unity is a core American value: As the most fundamental institution of this society, families are the cornerstone of communities. Family unity promotes personal and lifelong wellbeing, and families take many forms.

  • All people are valuable and deserve to be treated with dignity: People seeking refuge from violence, persecution and poverty must not be treated like commodities. 

  • All people deserve a permanent place to call home, including full citizenship rights: People who come to live in the United States, whether through work visas or because they are fleeing poverty or persecution, should have a clear path to eventually becoming citizens, to guarantee their full participation in our democracy.

  • All work is valuable: This country needs the contributions of all kinds of workers, and our immigration system must value all workers, regardless of skill level or income, in crafting immigrant labor policy.  

  • We believe in the promise of equal opportunity: Our immigration system should give an equal chance and equal rights to all who are in it, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation.  

  • Diversity makes this country stronger and more resilient: Some of our most profitable companies have been founded by immigrants or their children, and immigrants are consistently overrepresented in studies of entrepreneurship and industry innovation. When these emerging leaders thrive, we all thrive. And for that to happen, they need the support of their families.