Biden Administration Abandons Immigrant Families As It Moves Toward Detaining Them At The Border

March 8, 2023

Washington, D.C. – The Value Our Families campaign reacted with dismay and deep disappointment to reports that the Biden administration is considering detaining immigrant families seeking entry at the border.

We remember what Biden said as he sought the support of immigrant voters and communities when he ran for president: that families belong together. We cannot accept now that that togetherness, for immigrant families, must happen in a cage.

Value Our Families is watching closely and with increased concern as the Biden administration adopts more and more policies from the Trump administration–policies largely guided by fear rather than welcome, including building more walls and bureaucratic barriers at the border to keep out asylum seekers.

Please use the following comments from Alaide Vilchis Ibarra, campaign director at Value Our Families: 

“These policies that punish families are not what was promised to immigrants and their loved ones when President Biden ran for office. It’s shameful to make children bear the consequences of this administration’s broken promises.

“President Biden must not turn his back on the families he represented and the principles he aspired to as a candidate. This is the moment to double down on his commitment to a true, working system that protects asylum as the human right it has always been.”